Friday, July 29, 2011
What are the symptoms of diabetes?

The earliest symptoms of diabetes
are increased thirst, increased urination, increased appetite and
weight loss. In woman it is reported genital itching, progressive
fatigue, reduced resistance, acne and eczema. Declining of vision and
loss of sensation in the feet occur later. It is important to emphasize
that the type I diabetes is revealed in average of 15 days after the
occurrence of interference, while from the beginning of symptoms to diagnosis of diabetes 2 passes on average 6-10 years.
Risks for the occurrence of diabetes:
• diabetes in the family
• obesity
• hypertension
• dyslipidaemia
• polycystic ovarian syndrome
• women who gave birth to children weighing from 4.5 kg
• corticosteroid therapy
Risks for the occurrence of diabetes:
• diabetes in the family
• obesity
• hypertension
• dyslipidaemia
• polycystic ovarian syndrome
• women who gave birth to children weighing from 4.5 kg
• corticosteroid therapy
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What causes diabetes?

Various causes may be the basis
for the development of diabetes. All of them in different ways lead to
absolute or relative deficiency of insulin. Absolute lack of insulin
means that its production, and thus the concentration in the blood are
The relative lack of insulin
means that its production is sufficient even elevated, but there is
little or no response of cells in its target organs.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Chronic complications of diabetes and what is the future of my child?

It does not make sense to talk
about the details of the late complications of diabetes to parents and
children immediately after diagnosis, however, some parents will ask
themselves this question. Talk about it should be filled with optimism,
and the basic message that they should convey is that with a good
control of disease complications can be prevented or delayed. It should
be noted that they may act preventively and to take care of the
concentration of blood fat and blood pressure, not smoking and engaging
in physical activity. In any case, parents and children should always be
warned that it is extremely important to abide by the instructions so
little patients would be better regulated and with untouched health
welcome the significant changes which will occur in the not so distant
Clearly, it would be better if the child is healthy, but life goes on and basically there is nothing that a child due to illness could not do. In cooperation with the diabetic group and with effort and care, healthy life can continue as before. The child will have normal physical and mental development, will study, have offspring of their own, do sports, etc.
Clearly, it would be better if the child is healthy, but life goes on and basically there is nothing that a child due to illness could not do. In cooperation with the diabetic group and with effort and care, healthy life can continue as before. The child will have normal physical and mental development, will study, have offspring of their own, do sports, etc.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
How can we learn and master control of diabetes?

feel in the beginning that all is very complicated and confusing and
should be reassured that they will certainly overcome the basic control of diabetes and
can care for their child. Parents must know that, when the child is
discharged from the hospital, they can turn to team members for help who
will continue to share responsibility for care of the child.
What is the diary of self-control?

diary contains reports of the dose of insulin, the results of
measurements of glucose in the blood and the amount of glucose and
acetone in the urine and various other observations. Based on the
analysis of these data, parents and child alone or together with your
doctor on control, will be able to decide whether and what to change in
insulin doses, diet or physical activity. Parents should be pointed out
that no matter how we try, blood sugar levels will sometimes be high and
it is not realistic to expect a constant normoglycemia .
is good to advise them that they should not be worried, angry or sad,
but with a child think what a possible cause of it is. If a child feels
that parents are particularly upset because of the findings on the
meter, he/she can feel guilty, and later have a fear of blood glucose
measure and have a tendency to hide or falsify the measurement results.
What about sweets?

should clearly be said that it is not advisable to eat sweets. Parents
can expect a child on some occasions to ask them to have just one candy
or just take a look. Child should be said in advance:
you accidentally happen to eat something sweet, tell your parents or
write it in a diary so that we all know why the blood sugar level was
high." He should be advised that in such situation he can increase
physical activity and / or may need a larger amount of insulin.
Can a child who suffers from diabetes eat everything?

Diet of child who suffers from diabetes is
a healthy diet and not different from the diet of healthy children of
the same age, weight and level of physical activity. It is recommended
that other members of the family have the same diet as a child.
fact, there are no food groups that children suffering from diabetes
should not eat, but there are some rules which in this case should be
Does teas, medicines, herbal medicine, bio-energy help?

will certainly hear various, mostly well-intentioned but often
incorrect or even harmful information and advice on treating and curing
diabetes. This inaccurate information primarily results from ignorance,
and sometimes from not recognizing different types of diabetes.
We must understand the need of parents to seek information from other sources, but they should also be familiar with the fact that diabetes 1 is treated only with injections of insulin.
We must understand the need of parents to seek information from other sources, but they should also be familiar with the fact that diabetes 1 is treated only with injections of insulin.
How much of insulin will my child receive and does more insulin mean the deterioration of the disease?

is a hormone which is produced and secreted in all people. In the child
who just was diagnosed with diabetes insulin is secreted in small
quantities, and stops when are destroyed all the remaining pancreatic
beta-cells. Therefore, the total daily insulin dose in relation to body
weight are less at the beginning of the disease or in remission phase,
after, the need for insulin is growing and total daily dose becomes
larger, which is important in puberty. Insulin dose is adjusted
individually for each child depending on the measured levels of blood
glucose and the amount of glucose in the urine, physical activity and diet. The need for higher dose does not mean that the disease worsened.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Is diabetes treated in children worldwide with insulin injections?

in children is treated only with injections of insulin therefore it is
called insulin-dependent diabetes. Diabetes that occurs mainly in older
persons, or type2 diabetes,
is sometimes being treated only with appropriate diet and / or tablets,
and only a small number of patients with insulin. Needles that are used
today are thinner and sharper than those that were used before and are
virtually painless.
are studies which proved that nine out of ten insulin injections are
virtually painless. Parents can convince themselves by receiving an
injection, and convinced of painlessness it will help in giving their child an injection of insulin.
Sometimes, though rarely, injections can be painful when they
accidentally hit a nervous ending. In recent years the growing number of
children receives insulin therapy by using insulin pumps.
Is there a possibility of curing a disease or can it pass spontaneously (in puberty, or when a child grows up)?

you may have heard the opposite, diabetes is a chronic, lifelong
disease that will not pass, and now there is no possibility of curing
it, but only to successfully treat it.
Can we protect other children from disease?
Risk of illness for brothers and sisters is from 4 to 6%. By determination of auto-antibodies to pancreatic beta-cells and antigen HLA-system we can detect whether a child is under greater risk of diabetes. For now, there is no reliable method that would in these children, even if we were sure that they would get sick, prevent the appearance of the disease.
Can we protect other children from disease?
Risk of illness for brothers and sisters is from 4 to 6%. By determination of auto-antibodies to pancreatic beta-cells and antigen HLA-system we can detect whether a child is under greater risk of diabetes. For now, there is no reliable method that would in these children, even if we were sure that they would get sick, prevent the appearance of the disease.
Could stress cause the appearance of diabetes?

does not cause diabetes. You've probably had a chance to hear that in
someone diabetes is detected after he was in stressful situations (such
as infections, burns, surgery, etc., as well as mental stress). How to
explain that? Immune reaction that leads to gradual destruction of
pancreatic beta-cells that secrete insulin takes months, often years.
Because of that in people who will get diabetes gradually is secreted
less and less insulin and over time there is so much to maintain a
satisfactory level of blood glucose only in normal conditions.
was precisely because of that, in the stressful situation, when because
of intensified secretion of hormones (adrenaline, cortisol), insulin
requirements are increased, and its production becomes insufficient,
first symptoms appear. On the other hand, although stress does not cause
diabetes, it can significantly influence a disease control later. In
stressful situations, because of intensified secretion of hormones, it
leads to short-term increase in blood sugar levels, and often in changes
of behavior (change of appetite or intensity of physical activity),
which requires a change in dose of insulin (usually increase).
Are we able to prevent the disease by earlier visit to the doctor?

you experience the first symptoms of diabetes, about 90% beta-cells in
the pancreas are already ruined. Today there is no way to stop the
process of cell decay, once started, so by coming out of remission
period, the pancreas gradually ceases to produce insulin.
Is diabetes a hereditary disease?

Diabetes is caused by a number of factors. Today, the accepted notion is that diabetes 1 is
an autoimmune disease in which gradually, but progressively are
declining pancreatic beta-cells that secrete insulin. Preference for an
autoimmune reaction is hereditary, but the disease occurs in the
presence of some factors in the environment.
twins are genetically completely identical. If diabetes is a hereditary
disease only, when one twin is ill, it is necessary that the other one
gets sick too, and this happens only in approximately 30% of cases. That
tells us about the importance of environment in the etiology of
diabetes. Autoimmune reaction is triggered by different and yet not
sufficiently defined factors from the environment. It is often difficult
to pinpoint them (viral, nutritional, drug, etc.), but nothing changes
in the way of treatment or prognosis.
An approach to a child with diabetes

Type 1 diabetes or
insulin - dependent diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that with
its complexity and demanding treatment affects the entire life of the
patient and his family.
Quality of care for patients and their families, education and support during the first few weeks and months of treatment have a major impact on the final acceptance of the disease and the much needed enthusiasm and self-control in the control of diabetes.
Quality of care for patients and their families, education and support during the first few weeks and months of treatment have a major impact on the final acceptance of the disease and the much needed enthusiasm and self-control in the control of diabetes.
a child and family would create a positive attitude towards diabetes
and resolve the main dilemmas with which they are faced at the
beginning, with the first contact they should be explained the basic
facts about the disease. By doing that we may sometimes anticipate some
of their questions. In particular, they should be ensured that they
could not prevent the disease and discuss possible reasons for guilt,
including the most common: they did not identify the symptoms early
enough, they allowed the child to eat sweets, or if genetics has
important role in the emergence of the disease.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Diabetes in Children and Youth

and proper living habits help prevent the emergence of diseases in
children with predisposition for diabetes, and enables normal life for
the ill.
For every parent it is difficult to know that his child is sick. Diabetes is one of such disease, causing fear and concern, primarily because it is treated continuously, usually for life, and lack of appropriate treatment opens the way for serious consequences. We distinguish two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. When it comes to diabetes in children, primarily we talk about type 1, which usually occurs before the 30 year of life, and may appear in early childhood. Diabetes 1 affects approximately 10% of all suffering.
For every parent it is difficult to know that his child is sick. Diabetes is one of such disease, causing fear and concern, primarily because it is treated continuously, usually for life, and lack of appropriate treatment opens the way for serious consequences. We distinguish two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. When it comes to diabetes in children, primarily we talk about type 1, which usually occurs before the 30 year of life, and may appear in early childhood. Diabetes 1 affects approximately 10% of all suffering.
Type 1 diabetes is a disease, for which there is genetic predisposition, but it does not mean that the disease - with the predisposition - will necessarily occur; genetic risk factor seriously increases the likelihood. Type 1 diabetes occurs as a consequence of the collapse of pancreas cells that lose the possibility of creating insulin, which allows the entry of glucose into cells. If there is none, glucose is remaining in the blood, rather than supplies cells with energy. Several typical symptoms of illness: children increased to lose weight, are thirsty, often wet their bed, and dehydrate. To ill from type 1 diabetes only receive insulin therapy.
Diabetes - optimal nutrition for patients with diabetes type 1 and type 2

Optimal nutrition for diabetes type 1 and type 2;
- Informative: what you need to know about current healthy diet of diabetes,
- Reviewed: large lists of foods rich in carbohydrate containing information on the amount of calories, ballast substances and proteins,
- practical: lists of food with little carbohydrate with a specified quantity of protein, fat and cholesterol.
You have diabetes, but despite that fact you want to lead a normal family life, work in your profession, eat various foods, engage in sports and decide on your free time. All this provides a comprehensive treatment of diabetes, which, however, will be successful only if you fully participate.
The more you know about the physical metabolism, ways of treatment and proper diet, the more you actively participate in the process of healing. Thus you become an equal partner of a specialist for diabetes, the treatment counselor and specialist in nutrition. Food is a central theme of this guide because that part of therapy rests firmly in your hands.
- Informative: what you need to know about current healthy diet of diabetes,
- Reviewed: large lists of foods rich in carbohydrate containing information on the amount of calories, ballast substances and proteins,
- practical: lists of food with little carbohydrate with a specified quantity of protein, fat and cholesterol.
You have diabetes, but despite that fact you want to lead a normal family life, work in your profession, eat various foods, engage in sports and decide on your free time. All this provides a comprehensive treatment of diabetes, which, however, will be successful only if you fully participate.
The more you know about the physical metabolism, ways of treatment and proper diet, the more you actively participate in the process of healing. Thus you become an equal partner of a specialist for diabetes, the treatment counselor and specialist in nutrition. Food is a central theme of this guide because that part of therapy rests firmly in your hands.
Advices and instructions that help with diabetes

Diabetes Walker, Rosemary Rodgers, Jill
This book is a shining example of the promotion of such knowledge. Along with descriptions of symptoms and different states of diabetes, the book contains a series of photographs and charts to help us better understand the problems that patients encounter.
The book abounds with exact and clear advices and instructions that help the reader to a better knowledge of illness and incurred changes. In it you'll find answers to many questions how to live with diabetes. Healthy nutrition, physical activity, hormonal treatment, self-control are just some of the areas on which there are detailed data. How to recognize and prevent acute conditions in diabetes? How to stop and treat chronic complications in diabetes - are all issues for which in this book there are simple and easily understood answers. Also are important detailed reviews on the situation in which diabetics may find themselves, for example in dealing with different occupations, sports or other activities. Especially important are considerations and advices for pregnant women with diabetes, children, adolescents and the elderly.
World is facing with many different health problems. Extraordinary advances in medical science and the profession contributes to their resolution. Unfortunately, due to frequent lack of material resources, the health care is inaccessible to a part of humanity. That is why this book is so welcome because it is simple and completely covers diabetes.
This book is a shining example of the promotion of such knowledge. Along with descriptions of symptoms and different states of diabetes, the book contains a series of photographs and charts to help us better understand the problems that patients encounter.
The book abounds with exact and clear advices and instructions that help the reader to a better knowledge of illness and incurred changes. In it you'll find answers to many questions how to live with diabetes. Healthy nutrition, physical activity, hormonal treatment, self-control are just some of the areas on which there are detailed data. How to recognize and prevent acute conditions in diabetes? How to stop and treat chronic complications in diabetes - are all issues for which in this book there are simple and easily understood answers. Also are important detailed reviews on the situation in which diabetics may find themselves, for example in dealing with different occupations, sports or other activities. Especially important are considerations and advices for pregnant women with diabetes, children, adolescents and the elderly.
World is facing with many different health problems. Extraordinary advances in medical science and the profession contributes to their resolution. Unfortunately, due to frequent lack of material resources, the health care is inaccessible to a part of humanity. That is why this book is so welcome because it is simple and completely covers diabetes.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Diabetes among children

of children younger than five years who suffer from type I diabetes
could be doubled in the period from 2005 to 2020, according to the
latest research published in the prestigious medical journal "Lancet".
Diabetes 1 is usually not as often as diabetes 2 and must be treated with regular injections of insulin.
Researchers from Ireland and Hungary claim that in 2005 in Europe there were 15000 new cases of illness, and the number increases by 3.9% annually.
According to their forecasts, by year 2020, annually will be 24400 diagnoses of new cases, including twice the increase of the number of newly diagnosed cases among children below five years of age, compared to the year 2005.
Speaker of the British Foundation for the fight against diabetes said that the predictions are "worrying".
"If families have someone suffering from diabetes then your risk for the development of the disease increases," said Dr Iain Frame, director of research mentioned in the foundation.
Dr Frame added that is needed "much research" before the experts can explain the cause of the new increase in the frequency of type 1 diabetes in young children.
Diabetes 1 is usually not as often as diabetes 2 and must be treated with regular injections of insulin.
Researchers from Ireland and Hungary claim that in 2005 in Europe there were 15000 new cases of illness, and the number increases by 3.9% annually.
According to their forecasts, by year 2020, annually will be 24400 diagnoses of new cases, including twice the increase of the number of newly diagnosed cases among children below five years of age, compared to the year 2005.
Speaker of the British Foundation for the fight against diabetes said that the predictions are "worrying".
"If families have someone suffering from diabetes then your risk for the development of the disease increases," said Dr Iain Frame, director of research mentioned in the foundation.
Dr Frame added that is needed "much research" before the experts can explain the cause of the new increase in the frequency of type 1 diabetes in young children.
6 tips for prevention of diabetes

* If you have excess body mass, lose weight - loss of body mass for 7% may reduce the risk for diabetes
* Reduce entry of fats and calories in general-it can help to regulate body mass.
* Avoid high protein and high carbohydrate diets
* Enter enough fiber - for 1000 calories enter 14 grams of fiber
* Choosing whole wheat cereals - let at least half of entered Cereals be whole wheat
* Exercise regularly - at least 2.5 hours a week (though, let your doctor first approve pace).
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Food and occurrence of diabetes part II

led by Dr. Jennifer A. Nettleton from the University of Texas Health
Sciences Center, Houston, based the results on 5 011 adults in the
United States who participated in long-term study of heart health. The
study included Caucasians, Hispanic, African Americans, and Asian
Americans, men and women aged between 45 and 84 years.
Researchers have found that people whose diet included the most whole grains, fruits, nuts, low fat dairy products and vegetables - especially green vegetables - had 15% less chances to develop diabetes 2 over 5 years compared to those who ate the least amounts of these foods.
In contrast, adults who ate diet with lots of red meat, high fat dairy products, refined cereals like white bread, with tomatoes and pulse, had elevated risk for up to 18% as a group.
Beans and tomatoes are rich in food nutritive, said Nettleton’s team, and their relation to diabetes probably expresses the fact that many individuals eat it as part of a less healthy diet, one that includes for example, pizza and tacos.
Researchers have found that people whose diet included the most whole grains, fruits, nuts, low fat dairy products and vegetables - especially green vegetables - had 15% less chances to develop diabetes 2 over 5 years compared to those who ate the least amounts of these foods.
In contrast, adults who ate diet with lots of red meat, high fat dairy products, refined cereals like white bread, with tomatoes and pulse, had elevated risk for up to 18% as a group.
Beans and tomatoes are rich in food nutritive, said Nettleton’s team, and their relation to diabetes probably expresses the fact that many individuals eat it as part of a less healthy diet, one that includes for example, pizza and tacos.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Diabetes and eye disease - Symptoms of illness

the beginning of a disease there may not be clear symptoms, but with
its progression there can be signs of greater or lesser degree of visual
It has already been mentioned earlier that interferences often occur with patients with unregulated diabetes and in those who have diabetes for a long time.
It has already been mentioned earlier that interferences often occur with patients with unregulated diabetes and in those who have diabetes for a long time.
Symptoms, which are mostly found are:
- blurred and indistinct vision
- the distorted image
- too strong sensitivity to light
- poor perception of colors
- the phenomenon of "flying" dots in front of the eyes
- blindness
- blurred and indistinct vision
- the distorted image
- too strong sensitivity to light
- poor perception of colors
- the phenomenon of "flying" dots in front of the eyes
- blindness
Diabetes and eye disease

Many people with diabetes have difficulty seeing.
Bad vision often occurs with long-term diabetics and in those patients whose regulation of blood glucose levels is inadequate.
Bad vision often occurs with long-term diabetics and in those patients whose regulation of blood glucose levels is inadequate.
Precisely for this reason it is very important that diabetics do not neglect resulting difficulty in seeing and to go regularly for a checkup with ophthalmologists.
Most often changes in diabetes occur in the veins in retina and on the eye and eye lentil.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Diabetes is more common in men

Men in middle age have twice the risk for diabetes than women, shows a new study.
The report issued by the British Society of suffering from diabetes showed that 2,4% of the English people between the age of 35 to 54 years have diabetes, compared with 1.2% of women of the same age.
Statistics showed that 6% of men aged 45 to 54 years have diabetes compared with 3.6% of women of the same age.
The data shows that the number of cases of diabetes grew four times faster over the past 12 years in men aged 35 to 44 years, compared with women of the same age.
Almost 90% of people who suffer from the above-mentioned disease have diabetes 2, which is strongly associated with life factors such as diet and levels of physical activity.
The disease may be genetically conditioned, but many people are overweight at the time of diagnosis, experts say.
Simon O'Neill, employer of mentioned society said:
“It is concerning that man in that age has diabetes much more often than women. "
"Most of them have diabetes type II, which is strongly associated with lifestyle and in most cases can be prevented with a healthy, balanced eating and regular exercise," he added.
"Women also should not take lightly, these results. Maybe with them the disease can later develop throughout life, but the risk of death due to heart disease associated with diabetes type II is a half higher in women than in men, which is a fact that should not be ignored, "concluded at the end.
From the society they invited people to live healthier way of life and to watch their weight, to reduce the number of cases of illness.
Research has shown that the loss of superfluous kilograms may reduce the risk for diabetes type II for 58%, and physical activity for 64%.
The report issued by the British Society of suffering from diabetes showed that 2,4% of the English people between the age of 35 to 54 years have diabetes, compared with 1.2% of women of the same age.
Statistics showed that 6% of men aged 45 to 54 years have diabetes compared with 3.6% of women of the same age.
The data shows that the number of cases of diabetes grew four times faster over the past 12 years in men aged 35 to 44 years, compared with women of the same age.
Almost 90% of people who suffer from the above-mentioned disease have diabetes 2, which is strongly associated with life factors such as diet and levels of physical activity.
The disease may be genetically conditioned, but many people are overweight at the time of diagnosis, experts say.
Simon O'Neill, employer of mentioned society said:
“It is concerning that man in that age has diabetes much more often than women. "
"Most of them have diabetes type II, which is strongly associated with lifestyle and in most cases can be prevented with a healthy, balanced eating and regular exercise," he added.
"Women also should not take lightly, these results. Maybe with them the disease can later develop throughout life, but the risk of death due to heart disease associated with diabetes type II is a half higher in women than in men, which is a fact that should not be ignored, "concluded at the end.
From the society they invited people to live healthier way of life and to watch their weight, to reduce the number of cases of illness.
Research has shown that the loss of superfluous kilograms may reduce the risk for diabetes type II for 58%, and physical activity for 64%.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A little advice for diabetes

plenty of water, at least 8 to 10 glasses a day. If you can, consume
large quantities of raw vegetables. Cooked food rapidly raises level of
sugar in the blood. In addition, cooking can destroy vitamins, enzymes
and minerals in fruits and vegetables.
Real treatment for diabetes is the fruit that you eat. Eat grapefruit, blueberries, figs, kiwi fruit and citrus fruit and natural orange juice. Make it your breakfast. As for the vegetables, onions, garlic, radish, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes and cabbage are excellent in the treatment of diabetes.
An important part of nutrition is consuming the fruits and vegetables that have a lot of fiber. Such food reduces the need for insulin, because the energy goes slowly in the body cells. Meals rich in fibers mean more chromium, which is also very useful in treating diabetes.
Real treatment for diabetes is the fruit that you eat. Eat grapefruit, blueberries, figs, kiwi fruit and citrus fruit and natural orange juice. Make it your breakfast. As for the vegetables, onions, garlic, radish, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes and cabbage are excellent in the treatment of diabetes.
An important part of nutrition is consuming the fruits and vegetables that have a lot of fiber. Such food reduces the need for insulin, because the energy goes slowly in the body cells. Meals rich in fibers mean more chromium, which is also very useful in treating diabetes.
How the food that you eat can help treat diabetes?

food is medicine. What you eat is very important from the standpoint of
your health. There are no precise methods and medicines that can cure
diabetes. In fact, the perfect cure for diabetes is yet to be found. But ayurveda medicine is much closer to point of recovery from diabetes. If nothing else, at least by using ayurveda medicine you can control it.
The primary concern in controlling diabetes is to make sure that your blood sugar level does not exceed the recommended level. This means that you must avoid certain types of food, and have to regularly take the food that is good for controlling diabetes.
In short, you have to completely give up fast food and processed food. Avoid sweets, glucose, fruit sugar, cakes, ice-cream, chocolate, sparkling beverages, creams and fried foods. White sugar and white flour can also cause deterioration of health of diabetics. All that contains harmful preservatives and too much salt must be avoided. Smoking and alcohol are also a taboo. Finally, your food is your medicine.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Natural health: DIABETES Alternative healing

Some medications offer variations of diabetic diets.
Others, emphasize the importance of additional vitamins and minerals,
prescribe medicinal herbs for controlling blood glucose levels.
Techniques for reducing stress may also help to lower levels of blood glucose.
Techniques for reducing stress may also help to lower levels of blood glucose.
Any meditation technique, hypnotherapy or other relaxation techniques can help reduce the need for insulin.
It is important to know that for any change in lifestyle and diet you should consult a physician.
It is important to know that for any change in lifestyle and diet you should consult a physician.
Diabetes information part III

How to prevent the consequences?By regular lower level of sugar in the blood! Many things you can do yourself.
Play sports, regular endurance training, such as cycling and swimming, and by doing so will improve the metabolism of sugar in the blood. Take care of the diet: eat vegetables, products of integral cereals, fruit and fish. Make sure your weight is normal: excess kilograms affect the increase of the level of sugar in the blood.
Are sweets now prohibited?
Diabetic can have sugar in limited quantities, which means about 50 grams per day.
Alternative is sweetener, for example, saccharin. They practically do not contain calories, and by urine are dropped out of the organism in unchanged form.
Play sports, regular endurance training, such as cycling and swimming, and by doing so will improve the metabolism of sugar in the blood. Take care of the diet: eat vegetables, products of integral cereals, fruit and fish. Make sure your weight is normal: excess kilograms affect the increase of the level of sugar in the blood.
Are sweets now prohibited?
Diabetic can have sugar in limited quantities, which means about 50 grams per day.
Alternative is sweetener, for example, saccharin. They practically do not contain calories, and by urine are dropped out of the organism in unchanged form.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Diabetes information part II

How to prevent diabetes?
In principle, very easy: by leading a healthy life. The main causes of the formation of type2 diabetes are excessive weight and lack of movement. 90 percent of ill belongs to this group of people. Type1 diabetes a lack of insulin is usually congenital and is caused by viral disease.
Diagnosis of diabetes - what now?The basic rule is a regular control of levels of sugar in the blood.
People with diabetes type 1, it is necessary to regularly inject insulin, and in diabetes 2 levels of blood glucose levels are normally regulated by diet and tablets.
In principle, very easy: by leading a healthy life. The main causes of the formation of type2 diabetes are excessive weight and lack of movement. 90 percent of ill belongs to this group of people. Type1 diabetes a lack of insulin is usually congenital and is caused by viral disease.
Diagnosis of diabetes - what now?The basic rule is a regular control of levels of sugar in the blood.
People with diabetes type 1, it is necessary to regularly inject insulin, and in diabetes 2 levels of blood glucose levels are normally regulated by diet and tablets.
Diabetes information part I

What reveals the level of sugar in the blood?
Normal level of sugar in the blood is about 100 milligram per deciliter. During the day, this value varies, but the body constantly strives to maintain this level. In the morning, before meals, this level should be lower than 110 mg / dl, and two hours after meals below 140 mg / dl. Levels higher or lower of these show the disease.How often should I measure sugar?After the 35 year of life you should check the level of blood glucose levels every two years, and in the event that there are risk factors, such as excessive weight, hereditary factors or symptoms even more often.
Normal level of sugar in the blood is about 100 milligram per deciliter. During the day, this value varies, but the body constantly strives to maintain this level. In the morning, before meals, this level should be lower than 110 mg / dl, and two hours after meals below 140 mg / dl. Levels higher or lower of these show the disease.How often should I measure sugar?After the 35 year of life you should check the level of blood glucose levels every two years, and in the event that there are risk factors, such as excessive weight, hereditary factors or symptoms even more often.
How to live well with diabetes

Every day about 12 million of diabetics
balances the thin line between too much and too little sugar in the
blood. Too little sugar..? What can cause complications with the
medication? It can cause headache, sweating, trembling and in difficult
cases unconsciousness and even coma. Too much sugar..? It is a state
that occurs when you eat too much, especially for elderly and those with
excessive weight. It can cause weakness, exhaustion, great thirst,
difficulty breathing and unconsciousness. If diabetes is not treated,
you have a poor chance in life: blindness, kidney disease, damage to
blood vessels, infection, heart disease, stroke resulting in amputation,
and coma.
Since the initial symptoms (exhaustion, weakness, and often urination) are quite mild, around half of diabetics do not know that are sick. Early diagnosis and treatment are extremely important because it gives the patient a chance for a long and productive life, and a disease that is still undiscovered may leave consequences.
If you need prove that with diabetes you can live well, just look some examples of known diabetics: jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, actress Mary Tyler Moore, baseball player Jim (CATFISH) Hunter.
Even before the techniques of treatment were so developed as today, two known diabetics managed to leave their mark in human history: Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Edison.
If you fall into that lucky group whose doctor diagnose diabetes, you already have a picture what went wrong in your body. Predicament lies in the way that your body is processing carbohydrates from food. In the normal case, these carbohydrates are turned into a form of sugar known as glucose, which flow through the blood until it reaches pancreas, gland which is located behind the stomach. Pancreas produces insulin; a hormone which is responsible for making the body cells to take glucose. When the glucose is found in the cells they are converted into heat and energy or it rests as fat. The person who has diabetes produces very little or do not produce insulin at all or becomes immune to how hormones act and it cannot compensate it. In any case, the glucose cannot reach the cells, but is collected in the blood and thereafter extract by urine. In short, blood sugar level rises, and body cells do not have it enough and we can say that they are hungry.
Since the initial symptoms (exhaustion, weakness, and often urination) are quite mild, around half of diabetics do not know that are sick. Early diagnosis and treatment are extremely important because it gives the patient a chance for a long and productive life, and a disease that is still undiscovered may leave consequences.
If you need prove that with diabetes you can live well, just look some examples of known diabetics: jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, actress Mary Tyler Moore, baseball player Jim (CATFISH) Hunter.
Even before the techniques of treatment were so developed as today, two known diabetics managed to leave their mark in human history: Ernest Hemingway and Thomas Edison.
If you fall into that lucky group whose doctor diagnose diabetes, you already have a picture what went wrong in your body. Predicament lies in the way that your body is processing carbohydrates from food. In the normal case, these carbohydrates are turned into a form of sugar known as glucose, which flow through the blood until it reaches pancreas, gland which is located behind the stomach. Pancreas produces insulin; a hormone which is responsible for making the body cells to take glucose. When the glucose is found in the cells they are converted into heat and energy or it rests as fat. The person who has diabetes produces very little or do not produce insulin at all or becomes immune to how hormones act and it cannot compensate it. In any case, the glucose cannot reach the cells, but is collected in the blood and thereafter extract by urine. In short, blood sugar level rises, and body cells do not have it enough and we can say that they are hungry.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Risk of diabetes is associated with waist circumference

appears that the waist circumference is a better indicator of man's
likelihood of developing diabetes than body mass index, showed a study
published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The study, which lasted for 13 years, involved 27 270 men. Compared with those who had the smallest waist circumference (74-86 cm) those with the largest volume (102 cm) had 12 times greater risk of developing diabetes type 2. By calculating body mass index the same information for the level of risk for developing diabetes were not obtained.
President of the American Society for Diabetes said that the fat stored in the waist area is most dangerous for health. Fat cells in that area may affect the change in liver function and in them are present signal molecules, which could lead to the development of diabetes.
The study, which lasted for 13 years, involved 27 270 men. Compared with those who had the smallest waist circumference (74-86 cm) those with the largest volume (102 cm) had 12 times greater risk of developing diabetes type 2. By calculating body mass index the same information for the level of risk for developing diabetes were not obtained.
President of the American Society for Diabetes said that the fat stored in the waist area is most dangerous for health. Fat cells in that area may affect the change in liver function and in them are present signal molecules, which could lead to the development of diabetes.
Camel milk cures diabetes

Camel milk is traditionally used in treating diabetes.
It seems that milk contains a large amount of insulin or Insulin
similar proteins that can pass through the acid stomach environment and
not being disintegrated.
According to a study with the participating people with diabetes 1, consumption of 500 milliliters of camel milk a day is improving blood sugar levels with a decrease in the need for insulin.Since there has not yet been enough research conducted on humans, in the UK using milk to treat diabetes is not recommend because we do not know what the long term effects of this product to people are.
According to a study with the participating people with diabetes 1, consumption of 500 milliliters of camel milk a day is improving blood sugar levels with a decrease in the need for insulin.Since there has not yet been enough research conducted on humans, in the UK using milk to treat diabetes is not recommend because we do not know what the long term effects of this product to people are.
Risk for diabetes is increased by smoking

evidence about the negative side of cigarettes was discovered. Smoking
has been for a long time connected with the development of heart
disease, and recently was found that it has influence on the development of diabetes.
The American study, conducted at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, showed that smokers have a greater likelihood of getting diabetes than people who never smoked.
In a big study entitled Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study was examined the link between smoking and the appearance of diabetes. During the five years the study lasted, it was monitored the frequency of occurrence of diabetes in smokers and non-smokers.
The results of the study showed that after five years, diabetes occurred in 25% of smokers and 14% non-smokers.
The American study, conducted at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, showed that smokers have a greater likelihood of getting diabetes than people who never smoked.
In a big study entitled Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study was examined the link between smoking and the appearance of diabetes. During the five years the study lasted, it was monitored the frequency of occurrence of diabetes in smokers and non-smokers.
The results of the study showed that after five years, diabetes occurred in 25% of smokers and 14% non-smokers.
Risk factors for diabetes type 2 are wide waist and excessive weight

Individuals who have wide waist or excessive body weight bear the risk of diabetes type 2, but a combination of these two risk factors
is a very dangerous combination. It is known that obese people and
people with excessive body weight bear the bigger risk of diabetes 2
than the person with normal body weight, but some research shows that
people who have excess fats in the belly region have distinctive risk.
As a result of these findings, there is now a certain controversy about
what measures should be used in assessing risk for diabetes type 2nd
Body mass index or BMI was so far the standard way of classification of
body weight, but it seems that the waist measurement is more precise way
of measuring abdominal obesity. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
published a study of Dr. Christe Meisinger, which says that doctors in
assessing the risk of diabetes type 2 should measure, along with BMI, a
waist circumference, to both male and female patients.
However, it appears that the waist circumference proved especially important for women. Women who had excessive body weight, but had no body shape "such as apples," did not have an increased risk of diabetes. In contrast, women who have had a greater waist circumference had higher risk of diabetes type 2, regardless of BMI. The study included 6 012 men and women aged 35-47 whose health condition and body weight the scientists followed during 8 years. At the beginning of the study no patient has suffered from diabetes. At the end of the study men with the highest BMI, had four times greater risk of diabetes type 2 than men of normal body weight. The risk was even greater in women with the biggest volume of waist-they have had ten times greater risk of getting ill. Besides findings which estimated state of health of patients, BMI, waist circumference, in consideration for assessing the risk of diabetes were taken also data on risk factors such as age, quantity and frequency of exercise and whether the parents suffered from diabetes. This information confirms the fact that body weight and size should be measured in more ways than one. Waist measurement range could be particularly important in assessing risk for diabetes type 2 in women.
However, it appears that the waist circumference proved especially important for women. Women who had excessive body weight, but had no body shape "such as apples," did not have an increased risk of diabetes. In contrast, women who have had a greater waist circumference had higher risk of diabetes type 2, regardless of BMI. The study included 6 012 men and women aged 35-47 whose health condition and body weight the scientists followed during 8 years. At the beginning of the study no patient has suffered from diabetes. At the end of the study men with the highest BMI, had four times greater risk of diabetes type 2 than men of normal body weight. The risk was even greater in women with the biggest volume of waist-they have had ten times greater risk of getting ill. Besides findings which estimated state of health of patients, BMI, waist circumference, in consideration for assessing the risk of diabetes were taken also data on risk factors such as age, quantity and frequency of exercise and whether the parents suffered from diabetes. This information confirms the fact that body weight and size should be measured in more ways than one. Waist measurement range could be particularly important in assessing risk for diabetes type 2 in women.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wide waist and excessive weight are risk factors for diabetes type 2

Individuals who have wide waist or excessive body weight bear the risk of diabetes type 2,
but a combination of these two risk factors is a very dangerous
combination. It is known that obese people and people with excessive
body weight bear the bigger risk of diabetes 2
than the person with normal body weight, but some research shows that
people who have excess fats in the belly region have distinctive risk.
As a result of these findings, there is now a certain controversy about
what measures should be used in assessing risk for diabetes type 2nd
Body mass index or BMI was so far the standard way of classification of
body weight, but it seems that the waist measurement is more precise way
of measuring abdominal obesity. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
published a study of Dr. Christe Meisinger, which says that doctors in
assessing the risk of diabetes type 2 should measure, along with BMI, a
waist circumference, to both male and female patients.
However, it appears that the waist circumference proved especially important for women. Women who had excessive body weight, but had no body shape "such as apples," did not have an increased risk of diabetes. In contrast, women who have had a greater waist circumference had higher risk of diabetes type 2, regardless of BMI. The study included 6 012 men and women aged 35-47 whose health condition and body weight the scientists followed during 8 years. At the beginning of the study no patient has suffered from diabetes. At the end of the study men with the highest BMI, had four times greater risk of diabetes type 2 than men of normal body weight. The risk was even greater in women with the biggest volume of waist-they have had ten times greater risk of getting ill. Besides findings which estimated state of health of patients, BMI, waist circumference, in consideration for assessing the risk of diabetes were taken also data on risk factors such as age, quantity and frequency of exercise and whether the parents suffered from diabetes. This information confirms the fact that body weight and size should be measured in more ways than one. Waist measurement range could be particularly important in assessing risk for diabetes type 2 in women.
However, it appears that the waist circumference proved especially important for women. Women who had excessive body weight, but had no body shape "such as apples," did not have an increased risk of diabetes. In contrast, women who have had a greater waist circumference had higher risk of diabetes type 2, regardless of BMI. The study included 6 012 men and women aged 35-47 whose health condition and body weight the scientists followed during 8 years. At the beginning of the study no patient has suffered from diabetes. At the end of the study men with the highest BMI, had four times greater risk of diabetes type 2 than men of normal body weight. The risk was even greater in women with the biggest volume of waist-they have had ten times greater risk of getting ill. Besides findings which estimated state of health of patients, BMI, waist circumference, in consideration for assessing the risk of diabetes were taken also data on risk factors such as age, quantity and frequency of exercise and whether the parents suffered from diabetes. This information confirms the fact that body weight and size should be measured in more ways than one. Waist measurement range could be particularly important in assessing risk for diabetes type 2 in women.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Consequences of diabetes part 1

Kidney damage
Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney misfire. Kidney disease in its initial period has no symptoms, and the first sign of kidney damage in diabetes is finding protein in the urine. Disease progression in some cases may require treatment of dialysis or kidney transplantation. Besides a good control of blood glucose, to prevent the development of kidney damage a strict control of blood pressure required.
Nerve damage
Development of insensitivity to pain creates the tendency for injuries and wounds.
Harmful effects of elevated glucose to the small blood vessels lead to nerve damage, which they supply. Mostly are being damaged the nerves in the legs which can lead to loss of sensation of pain, touch and heat. Development of insensitivity to pain creates the tendency for injuries and wounds. Wounds that are not healed lead to infection, which then can induce amputation. People can feel tingly, annealing, or numbness and problems are more obvious at night.
Damage to sight
Most diabetics develop milder form of this disorder, but at some it can cause blindness.
Diabetes causes damage to blood vessels in the back of an eye which is called retinopathy. Most people with diabetes develop milder form of this disorder, but to some it can cause blindness. The person with diabetes has increased frequency of eye cataract and elevated eye pressure, glaucoma. Besides the regular inspection, all the new vision disturbances in patients with diabetes must be check by oculist.
Diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney misfire. Kidney disease in its initial period has no symptoms, and the first sign of kidney damage in diabetes is finding protein in the urine. Disease progression in some cases may require treatment of dialysis or kidney transplantation. Besides a good control of blood glucose, to prevent the development of kidney damage a strict control of blood pressure required.
Nerve damage
Development of insensitivity to pain creates the tendency for injuries and wounds.
Harmful effects of elevated glucose to the small blood vessels lead to nerve damage, which they supply. Mostly are being damaged the nerves in the legs which can lead to loss of sensation of pain, touch and heat. Development of insensitivity to pain creates the tendency for injuries and wounds. Wounds that are not healed lead to infection, which then can induce amputation. People can feel tingly, annealing, or numbness and problems are more obvious at night.
Damage to sight
Most diabetics develop milder form of this disorder, but at some it can cause blindness.
Diabetes causes damage to blood vessels in the back of an eye which is called retinopathy. Most people with diabetes develop milder form of this disorder, but to some it can cause blindness. The person with diabetes has increased frequency of eye cataract and elevated eye pressure, glaucoma. Besides the regular inspection, all the new vision disturbances in patients with diabetes must be check by oculist.
Proteins - valuable helpers for diabetes

Proteins should settle around 20% of total daily needs. The main sources of protein in the diet
are meat, fish, eggs and milk. Although some diets with higher portion
of proteins may lead to some short-term benefits such as faster weight
loss, such food is still generally not recommended.
primary objection is that a food rich with proteins mainly contains a
higher proportion of fat, and this leads to their excessive input. It
must be known that excess of protein in the diet can contribute to
weakening of kidney function in diabetics.
Food for diabetes

Sugars - enemies or alliesSimple sugars have the same capability of raising the level of glucose in the blood as well as complex.
It is usual that simple carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose or lactose we call sugars, and can be found mostly in sweets, fruits and dairy products. Up until recently, was considered, and a significant number of people today still think that the simple sugar is prohibited in diabetes. Explanation was found in the assumptions that they are easily digestion able and faster, and higher, raise the level of glucose in the blood. This proved to be wrong as the impact to a large extent does not depend on the type of carbohydrate in the meal but in their quantity.
It is usual that simple carbohydrates such as sucrose, fructose or lactose we call sugars, and can be found mostly in sweets, fruits and dairy products. Up until recently, was considered, and a significant number of people today still think that the simple sugar is prohibited in diabetes. Explanation was found in the assumptions that they are easily digestion able and faster, and higher, raise the level of glucose in the blood. This proved to be wrong as the impact to a large extent does not depend on the type of carbohydrate in the meal but in their quantity.
sugars have a similar ability of raising the level of glucose in the
blood as well as complex. Contemporary guidelines also allow to diabetics taking a candy,
but certainly in moderate quantities and with the restriction that it
should be a part of a whole meal that should be reduced by a
corresponding amount of other sources of carbohydrates.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Do not be ashamed of diabetes!

One of the most important things in life of diabetics
is the acceptance of illness. Although the majority will say that they
have accepted it, almost daily they challenge this fact and one of the
things that they are doing wrong the most is hiding diabetes from others.
I never did hide from anyone that I have diabetes and in most cases, I have intentionally stated it and in majority of cases reactions were in the style-I would never say, you just look super healthy.
People have many prejudices; most of people superficially conclude wrong things on the basis of some of their findings, which are in most cases very small. And you need to know that and you simply should not pay attention to them. That should not be a moment of shame and particularly at the moment when you need to give yourself therapy. If you are ashamed in that moment and a thousand other moments your illness will get worse and you will not to win it.
I never did hide from anyone that I have diabetes and in most cases, I have intentionally stated it and in majority of cases reactions were in the style-I would never say, you just look super healthy.
People have many prejudices; most of people superficially conclude wrong things on the basis of some of their findings, which are in most cases very small. And you need to know that and you simply should not pay attention to them. That should not be a moment of shame and particularly at the moment when you need to give yourself therapy. If you are ashamed in that moment and a thousand other moments your illness will get worse and you will not to win it.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Vitamin D reduces the risk for diabetes

Taking additional vitamin D in small children may significantly reduce the chances of developing diabetes 1.
Researchers from St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children in Manchester found that extra vitamin D in children can help reduce by 30 percent a chance that they will get an attack of the immune system on cells that are in the pancreas responsible for insulin hormone production. Professional journal Archives of Disease in Childhood published that Type 1 diabetes most often affects people of European origin. It is estimated that type 1 diabetes has around two million Europeans and residents of North America, and that the number of people suffering from it between 2000 and 2010 will be increased by 40 percent.
Researchers from St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children in Manchester found that extra vitamin D in children can help reduce by 30 percent a chance that they will get an attack of the immune system on cells that are in the pancreas responsible for insulin hormone production. Professional journal Archives of Disease in Childhood published that Type 1 diabetes most often affects people of European origin. It is estimated that type 1 diabetes has around two million Europeans and residents of North America, and that the number of people suffering from it between 2000 and 2010 will be increased by 40 percent.
scientists emphasized that their analysis showed that the positive
effect of vitamin D was greater if the dose was higher. It is already
known that people who were just diagnosed type 1 diabetes have lower
concentrations of vitamin D. In addition, type 1 diabetes is more common
in countries where people are less exposed to sunbeams responsible for
the production of vitamin D in the body. For example, a child in Finland
has 400 times greater risk for type 1 diabetes than those in Venezuela.
Some research has already linked low vitamin D with other auto immune
disorders such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is
believed that vitamin D helps maintain normal functions of the immune
system and is protecting the cells from the chemical compounds that
control inflammation.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Omega-3 fatty acids protect against type 1 diabetes

Meals rich in fish and other sources of omega-3 fatty acids reduces the chances of developing diabetes 1,
U.S. scientists discovered. It included 1770 children who, because of
cases of type 1 diabetes in the family, have had itself increased the
risk for this disease.
results suggest that food rich in omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the
chance that will occur in children immune system cells that attack
pancreas cells responsible for insulin production by 55%. This
antibodies are considered a strong sign for the development of diabetes
type 1
Thursday, July 16, 2009
What is diabetes?

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a chronicle condition of absolute or relative lack of insulin with consequent heightened blood glucose (Hyperglycemia). Diabetes is the most common metabolic disorder.
It is a chronic, incurable disease in which with treatment with good regulation, which involves maintaining blood glucose levels as close to normal values, it can significantly improve quality of life and extend life expectancy. As a consequence of long-term increase of blood glucose late complications of diabetes in different tissues and organs are developed.
The situation in the world
The world has registered approximately 190 million people with diabetes disease, according to the estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Diabetes Federation (IDF) this number will increase to 330 million by year 2025. The number of new diabetics is increasing in all age groups, which is directly linked to the increase in population, increase in body weight, aging of humanity, urbanization and its consequences: the wrong diet and lack of physical activity.
It is a chronic, incurable disease in which with treatment with good regulation, which involves maintaining blood glucose levels as close to normal values, it can significantly improve quality of life and extend life expectancy. As a consequence of long-term increase of blood glucose late complications of diabetes in different tissues and organs are developed.
The situation in the world
The world has registered approximately 190 million people with diabetes disease, according to the estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Diabetes Federation (IDF) this number will increase to 330 million by year 2025. The number of new diabetics is increasing in all age groups, which is directly linked to the increase in population, increase in body weight, aging of humanity, urbanization and its consequences: the wrong diet and lack of physical activity.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Needles for insulin syringe

the market there are several types of needles. You can choose from
needles of 6, 8 or 12 mm. A new needle is placed before each injection
and is thrown after use.
Within a particular category you should regularly change the place of injection. To reduce local skin reactions, injection to the same place may be repeated usually once a month. Correct injection was given in the skin folds. After the injection needle should be retained in the skin a few seconds.
It is important to use only those needles that are compatible with your device for injecting insulin and is required to put it in a safe place after use.
Insulin pump
Insulin pump continuously delivers short-effect insulin 24 hours a day. It is large as like playing cards package. Therefore it is worn by sticking it to a belt or pocket. Thin plastic tube conducts the insulin from the insulin pump into flexible needle that is introduced into the fatty tissue under the skin on the belly. You set the pump to deliver additional insulin before each meal. Pump can automatically change the rhythm of giving insulin to avoid hypoglycemia at night. Purpose of using insulin pump is to as much as possible faithfully emulating emission forms of insulin in healthy people. If the pump is disengaged without user knowledge or due to failure, you can get ketoacidosis. It is important that users of pumps often check the blood sugar level in order to adjust the dose provided.
Within a particular category you should regularly change the place of injection. To reduce local skin reactions, injection to the same place may be repeated usually once a month. Correct injection was given in the skin folds. After the injection needle should be retained in the skin a few seconds.
It is important to use only those needles that are compatible with your device for injecting insulin and is required to put it in a safe place after use.
Insulin pump
Insulin pump continuously delivers short-effect insulin 24 hours a day. It is large as like playing cards package. Therefore it is worn by sticking it to a belt or pocket. Thin plastic tube conducts the insulin from the insulin pump into flexible needle that is introduced into the fatty tissue under the skin on the belly. You set the pump to deliver additional insulin before each meal. Pump can automatically change the rhythm of giving insulin to avoid hypoglycemia at night. Purpose of using insulin pump is to as much as possible faithfully emulating emission forms of insulin in healthy people. If the pump is disengaged without user knowledge or due to failure, you can get ketoacidosis. It is important that users of pumps often check the blood sugar level in order to adjust the dose provided.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Too much body mass in children with type 1 diabetes

Children with diabetes 1
have a greater chance of problems with excess kilograms and with that,
associated risk for serious complications because of their illness.Type 1 diabetes is less common form of diabetes and usually occurs in childhood or early adult ages.
Data collected from almost 4000 children with diabetes showed that every eight is overweight.
Prospects for obesity were further increased in children of African American and Hispanic origin.
Earlier research has shown that obesity in children is associated with a higher risk for heart disease and other complications.
Data collected from almost 4000 children with diabetes showed that every eight is overweight.
Prospects for obesity were further increased in children of African American and Hispanic origin.
Earlier research has shown that obesity in children is associated with a higher risk for heart disease and other complications.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sexuality and diabetes

in sexuality is an important part of life for most healthy adults. But,
occasionally, all people face the problems associated with sexuality.
These problems may have no relation to diabetes, but diabetes itself can cause certain sexual problems.
Sexual relationships and contraception
For a person with diabetes it is fully possible to have a long and happy sexual life. The truth is that you may encounter some sexual problems that are associated with diabetes, but there are a lot of people who do not have diabetes, and have sexual problems.
Myths about sex and diabetes
There are many myths about sexual issues that are associated with diabetes. It is important to put it on the side. Diabetes does not affect all people equally and not all people perceive and solve problems in the same way.
Sexual problems
Many problems that occur in people with diabetes are of psychological nature. People with diabetes may have in their relationships the same problems as people who are not diabetic. In most cases, partners can solve problems if they talk honestly with one another. In other cases, pairs may require help from doctors, nurses, psychologists, or any other advisor.
Sexual relationships and contraception
For a person with diabetes it is fully possible to have a long and happy sexual life. The truth is that you may encounter some sexual problems that are associated with diabetes, but there are a lot of people who do not have diabetes, and have sexual problems.
Myths about sex and diabetes
There are many myths about sexual issues that are associated with diabetes. It is important to put it on the side. Diabetes does not affect all people equally and not all people perceive and solve problems in the same way.
Sexual problems
Many problems that occur in people with diabetes are of psychological nature. People with diabetes may have in their relationships the same problems as people who are not diabetic. In most cases, partners can solve problems if they talk honestly with one another. In other cases, pairs may require help from doctors, nurses, psychologists, or any other advisor.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What is Diabetes 1

Diabetes Type 1 occurs more often in younger people, although it can begin at any age. In this type of diabetes there is no insulin
because the pancreas does not produce it. This is happening because of
inflammatory reactions against the body's own pancreas cells. The cause of diabetes 1
is still unknown, but may be a combination of hereditary tendency and
environmental factors such as viruses that are the trigger for the start
of illness.Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. Less than 10% of people with the diabetes disease have type 1.
In type 1 diabetes it is important to know that the application of compensation of insulin is the only remedy. Sometimes during the first year of illness there is partial recovery period in which the need for insulin is reduced or even completely withdrawal happens. We symbolically called it the "honeymoon period" because it is always a passing period. The doctor will adjust the treatment during that time, but it should not encourage misleading idea that it is a form of diabetes that does not need insulin treatment.
In type 1 diabetes it is important to know that the application of compensation of insulin is the only remedy. Sometimes during the first year of illness there is partial recovery period in which the need for insulin is reduced or even completely withdrawal happens. We symbolically called it the "honeymoon period" because it is always a passing period. The doctor will adjust the treatment during that time, but it should not encourage misleading idea that it is a form of diabetes that does not need insulin treatment.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
What is Diabetes 2

Diabetes type 2 is the most common form of diabetes. It occurs mostly in older age. Sometimes is incorrectly called old age diabetes, but increased weight problem makes it possible to get it in the young years.
Increased risks for developing diabetes type 2 have primarily people who have excess body weight. The risk is especially great if the fat is specifically expressed around the waist, if the blood pressure is elevated and increased fat in the blood. Heritage is also an important factor in increasing the risk for diabetes 2. If someone in the family of ancestors or relatives had diabetes, the frequency of its appearance is significantly higher.
In diabetes type 2 ability of insulin emission is mostly held at least at the beginning, but the organism is resistant to the action and insulin fails to perform its role. This disorder is a basic cause of diabetes 2 and we call it insulin resistance.
At first, the diabetes type 2 is usually successfully treated with diet, by increasing physical activity and if necessary with tablets. Over the years, secretion of insulin in the pancreas may become insufficient and insulin treatment is needed.
Increased risks for developing diabetes type 2 have primarily people who have excess body weight. The risk is especially great if the fat is specifically expressed around the waist, if the blood pressure is elevated and increased fat in the blood. Heritage is also an important factor in increasing the risk for diabetes 2. If someone in the family of ancestors or relatives had diabetes, the frequency of its appearance is significantly higher.
In diabetes type 2 ability of insulin emission is mostly held at least at the beginning, but the organism is resistant to the action and insulin fails to perform its role. This disorder is a basic cause of diabetes 2 and we call it insulin resistance.
At first, the diabetes type 2 is usually successfully treated with diet, by increasing physical activity and if necessary with tablets. Over the years, secretion of insulin in the pancreas may become insufficient and insulin treatment is needed.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Pistachio nuts are good for diabetics

from the University of Toronto, introduced this week at the conference
of Experimental Biology 2009 in New Orleans the new discovery about the
benefits of consumption of pistachio. This famous snacks, in the earlier
studies were commended because of the good effect on the cardiovascular
system, because it lowers cholesterol and so it has an effect on the
elasticity of arteries, and thus reduces the risk of heart disease.
New knowledge could include pistachios on a daily menu for diabetics ( diabetes 2 ) for
participating in controlling levels of sugar in the blood and at the
same time providing a sense of satiety, after meals. "Our study revealed
that strategies such as combining meals with pistachio reduces blood
sugar after meals, resulting in a lower risk of developing Type 2
diabetes and coronary diseases," said Dr. Cyril WC Kendlall.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Television - enemy for children with diabetes

children with diabetes a computer is better than the television. Time
spent in front of TV complicate disease control, and this is not
happening when children sat in front of the computer. A survey conducted
at the pediatric clinic in Genoa came to this conclusion. When children
spend more hours in front of TV, the deterioration of diabetes control
is higher: a situation further deteriorated with the increase of hours
dedicated to television programs.
Of the 251 children with diabetes 1, and on therapy of 4 insulin injections per day, that were watching TV at least two hours a day, the hemoglobin value was 7 (normal parameter that allows evaluation whether the disease is properly treated), while for the kids who watched TV for three hours a day, the value increased to 7.4 even to 8.9 (for those who spent more than four hours a day in front of a TV). Nothing similar was established, while the children sat in front of the computer.
"The different effects between spending time in front of PC or TV are connected with eating snack and brunch that complicate disease control," Renata Lorini commented, President of the Italian Association for Endocrinology and pediatric diabetes. "In front of a TV advertisements with sweets and beverages are constantly shown, that increases the feeling of hunger, and accordantly consummation is higher. Pc is not transmitting such messages, and all the time it requires the use of both hands so stimulants for consumption of sweets and sweet drinks are much lower. "
Of the 251 children with diabetes 1, and on therapy of 4 insulin injections per day, that were watching TV at least two hours a day, the hemoglobin value was 7 (normal parameter that allows evaluation whether the disease is properly treated), while for the kids who watched TV for three hours a day, the value increased to 7.4 even to 8.9 (for those who spent more than four hours a day in front of a TV). Nothing similar was established, while the children sat in front of the computer.
"The different effects between spending time in front of PC or TV are connected with eating snack and brunch that complicate disease control," Renata Lorini commented, President of the Italian Association for Endocrinology and pediatric diabetes. "In front of a TV advertisements with sweets and beverages are constantly shown, that increases the feeling of hunger, and accordantly consummation is higher. Pc is not transmitting such messages, and all the time it requires the use of both hands so stimulants for consumption of sweets and sweet drinks are much lower. "