Gastritis Symptoms 2

Antral Gastritis

Gastric inflammation is a cause not clear and limited to antral chronic non-specific inflammation of gastric mucosa due to edema, hyperemia, inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrous tissue proliferation and thickening.
Antral gastritis showed upper abdominal fullness, pain, or pain, Changcheng periodic seizures, can be accompanied by belching, acid reflux, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, etc., chronic gastric inflammation also showed loss of appetite, persistent abdominal pain , hemorrhagic anemia. Antral gastritis multiple lesions confined to muscularis mucosa can also be spread to the muscular and serosal layers. Antral mucosa showed edema, hyperemia, inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrous tissue hyperplasia, of which the most obvious submucosa.
The closely related factors and mental disorders, mood swings or fear, tight, can exacerbate the symptoms. The parasympathetic nervous system stimulant, also easy to attack. Some patients with gastric inflammation, the Fu Teng symptoms similar to duodenal ulcers, chronic gastric inflammation easily misdiagnosed as gastric cancer, gastroscopy to be done to differentiate.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Must patients comply with certain dietary rules?

Therapy with drugs, with a mild form of gastritis as the only procedure, is supported by nutrition. There are real pitfalls, because patients often (because of the understandable lack of knowledge about the sequence of the normal digestive process, and on pathological events in the stomach they don’t not know a lot) reach for various written materials about the "healthy eating", which in their case is not as effective in terms of improvement of subjective problems.

The basic message would be to try to take smaller and more frequent meals throughout the day, because it ensures the protection of the mucous membrane with taken food. The rule is that taking large quantities of fruits and vegetables (especially raw) will exacerbate the problems, while the more rigid and easily prepared food (cooked without strong spices and fat) will work better to protect the lining. Often in practice we find that patients in the morning as the first meal eat fruit, which is unacceptable in gastritis. It is also common situation today that post-menopausal women because of proven or supposed osteopenia or osteoporosis are taking large quantities of milk, yogurt and extra calcium tablets, which also worsens subjective pain in gastritis.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How is gastritis revealed?

The diagnosis of chronic gastritis is done by endoscopy; the patient is referred to the gastroscopy. Gastroscopy provides visualization of the stomach lining, so the doctor describes in the findings whether and in what form and extent some part of the gastric mucosa is macroscopically changed (if there is inflammatory redness, are there visible damage-erosion, hemorrhage, ulcers, growths, etc.).

In addition, during the endoscopic examination, due to the precise definition of the diagnosis and planning of treatment, samples of tissue are taken for histological diagnosis. Pathologist after specific treatment of so obtained samples of stomach mucosa sets the final diagnosis. Often patients come to the gastroenterologist with the findings of previously done abdominal ultrasound or X-ray of stomach and diagnosis of gastritis, but those results, although they help eliminate other possible cause of the problems, are not diagnostic for chronic gastritis. Patients often avoid the gastroscopy, because of the discomfort, but it is crucial because of taking the findings for histological analysis, because in patients with minimal pain for an extended time, the histological findings could be serious

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

To what extent is the gastritis treatment successful?

Gastritis is now successfully treated because we can act on the basic causes of disease that are identified (in gastritis caused by taking NSAIDs we should stop taking this medicine, eradicate the bacterium H. pylori), with an extremely effective drug anti-secretion therapy (elimination of gastric acid secretion). However, patients can return to the doctor, unhappy with the effect of therapy, and it usually happens because in fact they are suffering from another disease that has similar symptoms (most often gall stones, gall bladder condition after surgery and functional dyspepsia). If, therefore, there is a situation that the patient after the diagnosis of gastritis (initially the majority of patients are treated with chosen general practitioners) and carried therapy still has similar problems, or they quickly return, you need to contact a gastroenterologist for further treatment.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Should you or not go to Gastroscopy?

Here is an example of gastritis "story": a person has stomach problems for months, and often a sense of weakness in the legs and arms. Often burps.
A person uses antacid. He is interested if the feeling of weakness may be caused by problems with the stomach. Notes that his father had gastritis for years, which has grown into cancer and he died when he was 42. He had gastroscopy done and was diagnosed with:
Gastritis chr seu infiltratio. Biopsio.f.
PHD-gastritis ch.activa, H.p. positive
Sydeny score 7/15 (chronic inflammation 3, active inflammation 1, gland atrophy 0, intestinal metaplasia 0, density of H. pylori 3rd
Begins to take therapy: Ulzol, kamagra, Medazol.

Answer: H. pylori infection causes gastritis. With eradication of the infection it comes mainly to the improvement especially if the infection was short lasted. Recovery is longer if it developed some form of chronic gastritis. Therapy is generally very successful. Given the data on malignant disease in the family it requires periodic endoscopic control. He should be under supervision of Gastroenterologist.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gastritis or stomach nervosa

Gastritis or stomach nervosa is a disease of which millions are suffering today although it is curable disease. But instead of curing it the majority gets stomach ulcer, a phase that occurs after gastritis.
What is the reason for that?
Terrible procedure called gastroscopy which establishes the diagnosis of gastritis that could be cured at all. Is cruel diet the reason that we do not treat it or are we disgusted by loads of drugs that are part of the therapy?
Perhaps the reason is that we are under stress a lot so acid constantly destroys mucous membrane of the stomach.

I am interested in how much you know about gastritis and what you think is the reason why so many people have it, and despite of the possible healing of 100% the number is not reduced.
I think that a fast lifestyle and unhealthy diet with stress are great reasons to get gastritis. And when you feel symptoms of larger problems we are afraid of gastroscopy and without it we do not see at what phase is formed in our stomachs.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Signs of the chronic diseases (including chronic gastritis)

Human health and disease depends in part on the chemical-biological-physiological control mechanisms, with the balance between acid-base (alkaline) status plays an important role. This balance is an essential part of all body functions, and when that function is disturbed it leads to significant undesirable situations. During the different diseases it can be seen "a turn in increased acidity”, which refers to the number of acute and chronic diseases. There is no organ or functional unit, even individual cell in the body, which cannot be damaged or even destroyed with too much acid.

Usually self-controlled mechanisms of the human body are able to maintain the concentration of acid in the blood at constant pH 7.4. But in some states too much acid is accumulated in different "locations" in the body. This is especially manifested through the painful deposits in the connective tissue. These are "waste substances” and generally contain salts associated with acid, and accumulate in tissues. They are signs of the chronic damage and the cause of many problems and diseases.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry christmas

On this occasion I want to wish you all a merry, peaceful and blessed Christmas!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Symptoms of inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis)

Nausea, vomiting, intolerance of sweets, acid (juices) are the symptoms of inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis).
Vitamin C and cranberries (if they do not make you nauseas and increase acid) for H. pylori, but you have to use something to control secretion of acid. Recommended is licorice for 4-6 weeks (not more) if you do not have problems with kidneys and blood pressure, after it you can resume with marjoram (for a long time).
Alternatively, with the vitamin C plants with mucus and chamomile to protect the lining (it is acid after all). Be sure to drink the way it is prescribed (3-5 times a day) in sufficient quantity and for an adequate time. For example chamomile is made of 3g/250ml of water, and not from 1 bag (1-1.5G).
From grinded flax seeds and marshmallow roots are made macerati in cold water - 5g/2-3 dcl of water.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Gastritis and H. pylori infection can be treated:

licorice root-clinically proven herbs for the treatment of ulcer and gastritis (highly active anti-inflammatory and inhibits in vitro growth of H. pylori), is not without risk so consult on the implementation with doctor, the basis of therapy
-Chamomile-anti-inflammatory and spazmolitic effect (apigenin in chamomile also inhibit Hp), as addition to treatment
-plants with mucus (flax, mallow root)-have a slightly anti-inflammatory effect. Mucus protect the stomach lining from irritation, again as a supplement
-marjoram, herb-regulates the secretion of gastric acid and has calming effect, additional
-ginger-just in case of nausea (may stimulate acid secretion, which is not objective)
-5g of vitamin C daily in more doses-destroys H.p. (clinically proven), in people with stomach ulcer and chronic gastritis vitamin C is in the stomach juice at low concentrations
-amino acid N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) helps in the treatment of atrophic gastritis (1-3g per day)
- extract of neema bark- lowers acid secretion, and in clinical testing has helped nearly all respondents in the healing of duodenal ulcer
-Tea tree essential oil-and ravensare (oral) may help in treating infections

How does it occur and causes of peptic ulcers ?

Causes that are not primarily responsible for the occurrence of peptic ulcers, but may contribute to its deterioration or harder treatment, are:

• Smoking, in which numerous chemical compounds dissolve in saliva and increase the probability for the occurrence of ulcers and slow the healing process;
• caffeine, which stimulates the secretion of hydrogen chloride acid in the stomach, increasing its concentration and increases the pain of an existing ulcer;
• alcohol in alcoholics causes liver damage and inflammatory processes in it, and the same may be transferred to duodenum, reduced is the function of bile acid secretion, which slows down digestion and, therefore increases the concentration of gastric acid, which strongly affects the mucous membranes of digestive organs and causes pain;
• mental-emotional stress (strain) also is not directly associated with peptic ulcer as a cause, but due to the reduced circulation of blood in the digestive system, stress slows the digestive process of decomposition of food and thereby increases the concentration of gastric acid, which strongly affects the mucous membranes and causes increased pain;

What is a peptic ulcer?

Peptic ulcer is open injury or inflammation of the protective layer and the lining of the stomach, duodenum or esophagus. Ulcer occurs under the influence of hydrogen chloride of stomach acid and enzymes of pepsin, when there is damage to the protective layer on the intestinal mucosa of these organs.

About 10% of people had a peptic ulcer at least once during their lives, and 2-3% of people get it every year. The disease affects people of all ages, but is significantly less common in younger people. Duodenal ulcers usually first appears between the ages of 30 to 50 years, and is more common in men than in women, whereas gastric ulcer is most common in the age above 60, and is more common in women than in men.

Today it is known that about 80% of gastric ulcers and about 90% of duodenal ulcer is a consequence of inflammation and damage of the protective layer of mucous that bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes. This bacterium is free in the stomach due to its resistance to stomach acid because of secretion of specific enzymes.

The healing properties of cabbage and its influence on gastritis

Green friend-Cabbage

Cabbage is delicious, but also extremely healthy. People know many medicinal properties of this plant. Accelerates the expulsion of harmful materials from the body and it is an excellent diuretic, which means that it protects us from many diseases, and it is a prevention of aging of cells and organism. Protects the mucous membranes, and it is ideal food for those suffering from a stomach ulcer or gastritis. It is good for normalizing blood pressure (if it is not a salt brine cabbage, or pickled cabbage), it is effective against clog of blood vessels, and disorders of digestion. Nutritionists advise that pork should be eaten with the cabbage as a side dish, because this plant absorbs fats and makes them digestible.
Cabbage and its "cousins" among the vegetables are the best choice for the prevention of colon cancer. There is something unique in that vegetable - probably a large concentration of indole - which makes it capable of defending the body from dangerous occurrence of colon tumors. Many studies showed that cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower are our biggest allies in prevention.
If cabbage is properly pickled, it is developing micro-organisms that combat processes of decay in the gut, enhance stool and forces toxic substances from the intestine.

Against gastritis
It is recommended to use fresh juice, one cup, 40 minutes before meals, three to four times a day.
Against insomnia
You should drink the juice of fresh cabbage in the evening, one hour before bedtime, half a cup. Note: the cabbage juice leads to the elimination of excess liquid from the body and lowers blood sugar levels.
Against respiratory tract infections
Use cooked leaf of cabbage - quarter of cup three to four times a day, always before meals.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cooking against gastritis Part 2

Chamomile ( Matricaria Chamomilla L.)

Chamomile is an annual herb, 15-60 cm in height. The root is slender, spindle-shaped and broad. The leaves are 2-3 times feathery divided, with narrow, linear slices. Flower head is in the centre and yellow crowned with white petals.

It is composed of yellow tubular flowers in the middle and white floweret on the edge. The plant blooms during the summer, and you gather only the flower heads without branches and from May to August. Most of them are dried in the drying room, but as well on the cotton in the shadow and warm place. Of its flowers is usually prepared tea and not just for therapeutic purposes, but for the everyday enjoyment. What makes it medicinal is essential oil, known from 16 century, and substances such as bisabola, , flavonskih glycoside and kolina. You pick the ripe yellow chamomile flowers from which with the distillation by steam you get blue essential oil, for which kamazulen is responsible, the main ingredient.

Flower heads (Matricariae flos) are gathered during a hot and dry day at noon, or when the sun is up, because then there is the largest amount of essential ingredients, and are dried in the temperature of 35 ° C. Drug has a distinctive and very pleasant scent.

Cooking against gastritis Part 1

Make juice from cabbage

Needed: 500 g of fresh cabbage, juice of 1 / 2 lemon, salt, not so much! Clean the cabbage, grind it, put a little salt and leave to rest for several minutes. Drain well through a double cheesecloth. To the resulting juice add lemon juice.
Juice is taken between meals, and if it causes digestive problems - drink it an hour after meals, before meals drink a tea of chamomile and caraway (1:1). Juice should not be squeezed and keep refrigerated, and especially it cannot be pasteurized! Also, the juice should not be adapted in any way because it will lose efficiency.

Tips for self-help and diet in the treatment of gastritis

Regularly taking of the daily meals is recommended - more frequent but smaller portions, omission of late evening meals and avoiding of irritation of the stomach lining with strong flavors, too high or too low temperatures of food and drinks, carbonated drinks and coffee. It is desirable to avoid foods which are known to cause reflux (return of stomach acid into the esophagus) which are:
-tomato and tomato products
-citrus fruit (lemon, mandarin, orange, grapefruit) and citrus juices
-onions and garlic
-pepper, chili pepper
-coffee, strong tea and coffee products
-peppermint and products containing it
-fried foods, foods rich in oils and fats
-spices (especially chili, pepper)
The diet should give priority to fruits (non-citrus) and vegetables, cereals and fermented dairy products, avoiding large quantities of meat, especially meat products (bacon). Stop smoking, avoid alcoholic beverages, and decrease use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It is advisable to remove the daily stress in large extent.

There is no room for panic if the first treatment does not prove effective

- In gastroscopy doctor takes a sample of gastric mucosa that is exposed to the breath test on the bacteria. If the cause of disease is bacteria Helicobacter pylori, then the patient receives therapy which combines the use of antibiotics and proton pump blockers (Controloc, nexium)
Sometimes the resistance of bacteria occurs and then every six months bacteria is treated with different drugs. If after a lengthy period there is no shift in the treatment, the bacteria sample is sent to the antibiogram, which determines to which of the drugs a bacteria responds to.

If bacteria did not cause ulcers, then the disease is treated with proton pump inhibitors (Controloc, Nolpaza), antacids (Gastal, Rupurut, Belomet) and acid secretion blockers (Peptoran, Ranisal, Famosan).
Ulcer formation often occurs after a stressful event, such as serious traffic accident, after which the ulcers can develop in just 24 hours, and can be dangerous because of bleeding.

Why the pain in the stomach should be taken seriously

The pain often comes with stress of everyday life, most people trying to mitigate interference with harmful drugs for gastric mucosa.

Everything starts from gastritis and controls are inevitable

If you feel dull pain, which eventually became stinging, and occurs before or after meals, it's time to see a doctor of internal medicine that will, if needed, make further tests. Also, you should do tests if you lose weight, often vomit or are bloated.
In the best case, the doctor will diagnose gastritis, which can be restrained before becoming ulcer, or in the worst case a stomach cancer, but to avoid pain it is necessary to say goodbye to all the bad habits.
Doctors advise patients to stop smoking, consummate liquor, carbonated drinks and coffee, to reduce spicy food intake... Finally, patients often ask what is left after all the bans, but it is important to know that it all affects the pain in the stomach and to a large extent.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fresh broccoli against gastritis

HONG KONG - Taking 70 grams of broccoli per day in the course of two months, could prevent health problems such as gastritis, ulcer and even gastric cancer, showed a study conducted in Japan.
Broccoli contains a lot of sulphoraphan, a natural chemical substance that stimulates the production of enzymes in the gut, which protect against free radicals and inflammation.
In an article published in professional journal Cancer Prevention Research scientists say they have discovered that taking 70 grams of broccoli a day can prevent some serious health problems.
"We found the food which, if taken regularly, can influence the cause of stomach problems and may even help prevent stomach cancer," wrote Jed Fahey, nutritional biochemist at the medical school University Johns Hopkins.
It is known that sulphoraphan is a potent antibiotic against the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that causes gastritis, stomach ulcers and stomach cancer.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gastritis and neglect of health

Alcohol affects the brain and affects coordination; reflexes, memory and judging, and bad moods are making you feel even more 'down'. Since it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream, it can increase the risk for many diseases, including cancer. It is known that in combination with smoking cigarettes it significantly increases the occurrence of colon cancer among the young.
Alcohol through the blood comes in all body tissues, and mostly in the liver, kidneys, brain and muscles. Large amounts of alcohol cause liver damage, irritate the stomach wall and thus cause ulcers and gastritis.

Gastritis prevention: gossip, it is healthy!

How much time do you spend per day on gossip? Maybe fifteen minutes, half an hour or a whole afternoon? Regardless of the minutes, we all contribute to gossip - at least so say the latest studies of social psychologists who claim that this "verbal gymnastics" we devote an average between 20 and 30 % of every conversation.
Gossip can suppress stomach problems, act preventive on gastritis, reduce tension in the neck and stabilize the work of the bloodstream and heart.

Nuts - help against gastritis

Walnut, as some say, is fatty beyond measure! 100 g provides 700 calories, and all because of oil that is more than 60 percent of the content. There is more than 14 percent of protein and 18 percent of carbohydrates. From the minerals magnesium and vitamin E stand up, that protects the nut from decay. Walnut oil is dark green color and of special flavor used more in cosmetics and paint industry than for food. This oil has great quality. Contains 50 percent of linoleic acid, 30 percent of oleic (such as olive oil) and 5 percent of alpha linolenic - every fatty acid is better than the other, while poorly saturated fatty acids are poorly represented.

These unsaturated fatty acids are probably the reason for the recommendation of folk medicine to pregnant women to eat nuts so the child's brain would be well developed. Folk medicine recommends also walnut tincture to relieve stomach disturbances (gastritis), but also for forcing out worms. Results of the research of value of essential fatty acids in walnut oil and the impact on health has resulted in a recommendation that nuts should be part of the daily diet like vegetarians know. If you reduce stress and reject cigarettes, all of it is the opportunity that life can be extended to a year or more.

Friday, December 11, 2009

How to preserve the health of the stomach part 2

Take as little medication as possible, and if some are necessary, take them at the recommendation of a doctor, without delay, tell the doctor of your stomach problems - it is possible that there is alternative medicine, or you can customize the dose and mode of use.

Enjoy food; eat slowly, in a pleasant environment, consciously chew food as long as possible.

In the acute phase, when there are problems, but also for some time after the cessation of interference, go on diet composed primarily of mushy food and drink tepid tea (chamomile, green, mint, high quality tea blends of herbs specially prepared for the stomach). High quality honey and extra virgin, cold compressed olive oil acts anti-inflammatory. Soybeans and soy preparations are advised to anyone with sensitive stomach.

If problems last, despite the measures taken or occur extremely unpleasant symptoms, as soon as possible you contact the doctor to check if you have Helicobacter pylori or have already developed ulcers or gastritis. It is possible that stomach problems are a result of diseases of other organs.

Olive oil acts anti-inflammatory

Consume small and frequent meals so the acid would not be secreted in excessive amounts and so the stomach during the whole day would be busy. If you have extra pounds, it is time to take weight loss seriously.

Stop smoking, and if that is at the moment impossible, at least reduce smoking and never, absolutely never smoke on an empty stomach.

Do not hold feelings in, but do not let them out with destructive methods, such as hitting or throwing objects. Practice meditation, anti-stress programs, talk to friends and experts about everything that troubles you, try to cultivate optimistic view of life, spend more time dealing with everything that makes you happy, surround yourself with friends, be physically active, find time for sports and recreation.

How to preserve the health of the stomach part 1

Gastritis - Better to prevent, than to cureHealth of the stomach is directly connected with our actions. In addition to responding to what we eat and drink, your stomach is very sensitive to psychological triggers. Therefore, the disturbance of the stomach is easy to explain to the child: how the basic task of the stomach is to, with contractions and acid to soften and liquefy food, these foods will neutralize extracted acid.
However, when there is no food in the stomach and the acid is still secreted due to incorrect (psychological) reasons, there shall be damage. Simply said, acid will attack stomach, which will, due to the protective lining, resist for some time, until the formation of inflammation and damage, gastritis and ulcers.

Common causes of stomach ailments are some medicines, and Helicobacter pylori. In addition to pain, symptoms of warnings are sour belch, burning and stinging in the stomach, cramps, urge to vomit, feeling of overly full stomach, loss of appetite. Fortunately, gastritis and ulcer do not occur 'overnight', and you should not be wise to conclude that the key to proper treatment is in timely response: if you change the behavior when the stomach starts to rebel, chances are that everything will be fine and that the symptoms will soon (and forever) disappear.

Eliminate food and drinks that damage the stomach: they are fried, breaded, very seasoned and overly fatty foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea (especially on an empty stomach), industrial food, fast food.
Keep a food diary: when there are problems, remember, or note what you ate, to determine whether there is something specific that really hurts your stomach. For example, you may be surprised that many are harmed by chocolate.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The regime of diet for Gastritis

I think that we should go back to the regime of diet and how to regain health. The answer is by removing or significantly reducing the foods that are problematic, and the introduction of herbs in the diet. In addition to the choice of foods, attention should be paid to the manner of preparation. It is recommended to cook food or preparation of steam. Cooking is recommended for fruit also, which is not recommended to take fresh when stomach mucous membrane inflammation is worse.
The most difficult, however, for people is to renounce spices and very spicy food. But the biggest problems can cause a hot pepper. Some people use the method when it is wrapped in a piece of bread, and so swallowed; warm recommendation is to skip it. It is significant that herbs can be used instead of strong spices. There are several medicinal plants, which can be used as spices in the kitchen when preparing food. These are thyme and oregano. Of course they should be used in moderate quantities, without exaggeration. Number of meals during the day is necessary to increase and thus prevent long-term digestion of food and creating of more stomach juices.

Due to several possible causes that lead to the appearance of gastritis, it is necessary to perform the medical examination that will help determine the exact direction of treatment. Treatment by placing self-diagnosis can lead to calming the inflammation, but only the discovery of the exact cause may lead to cure.

Gastritis and hot peppers - not good together

For acute gastritis is often said that it was only a temporary phenomenon, it is often said to be stomach flu. Folk name heartburn best describes the symptoms that occur with gastritis. But this problem should be approached very seriously, because with the frivolous approach easily it can happen to cross to a chronic gastritis that seriously undermined our health. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of stomach is a very widespread disease, which can have various causes, and many things can affect it. In order to alleviate the inflammation we should take measures that will eliminate the causes.

Some of these measures are easier, for example, diet, and some harder to control, for example stress. On gastritis also affects the season of the year, but we should not mistake that this is the only cause, but only one of the factors affecting the state of the disease.
In any case, the diet is what we should adjust so that there is removal of inflammation of the mucous membrane of stomach. If you ignore the signals that our body sends, there is a risk of creating a stomach ulcer, which may cause problematic situations.

General recommendations to be followed to relieve gastritis

General recommendations are:

1. Avoid too hot and too cold dishes
2. Avoid spicy food and spices
3. Food must be well chewed
4. Avoid beverages containing caffeine and strong alcoholic beverages
5. Protein food temporarily neutralizes gastric juices, but also stimulates the secretion of gastrin and pepsin therefore should not be based on protein foods, but should not be eliminated also.
6. Milk and dairy products in the past were considered very important in the treatment of inflammatory changes of gastric mucosa. Today, the milk does not have great importance because it is considered that in large quantities it can have the opposite effect.
Good to know ...
- Increased intake of salt can irritate the stomach lining. Some scientific studies indicate a higher risk of infection with the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, if a person consumes very salty foods.
- Persons who suffer from gastritis often are advised to avoid spicy and hot food. In contrast, capsaicin, a substance that is found in cayenne and chili peppers, is considered a potential protection from gastritis. This does not mean we should ignore the recommendation and consume hot and spicy foods, but should consider the therapeutic use of isolated capsaicin.
Some researchers believe that allergy or intolerance of certain foods can cause gastritis. The double-blind clinical trial in people with identified sensitivity to certain foods has been proven irritation of the stomach lining from the consumption of food to which they react.
- Caffeine contained in coffee, black and green tea some carbonated soft drinks, chocolate and many medications increases the acidity of stomach acid. Therefore, people with inflammation of the lining of the stomach are recommended to avoid these drinks.
- Alcoholics often suffer from gastritis, passionate smokers also. These habits cause the occurrence of acute gastritis. However, some preliminary studies deal with clearing of protective effect of moderate alcohol intake (up to two drinks a day) on the development of gastritis. When alcohol is consumed in quantities that are more than moderate it can cause a whole range of unwanted effects.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

So, what can we do about gastritis?

This is one of the most common questions I hear:

'For years I have chronic gastritis. Physician internist told me it was psychosomatic illness. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

The word psychosomatic disease indicates that some psychological factors and influences can affect the physical condition and disease. For example, prolonged, long-term stressful situation (state of tension, anticipation, anxiety, fear) can lead to physical symptoms, and even physical consequences. So it is well known that some diseases can be significantly affected by psychological factors. These are gastritis, high blood pressure (hypertension), diseases of the thyroid ...
Internists for many years, advise patients with these diseases a changing of lifestyle, including diet changes, exercise, and psychological measures. In the first place, it means the removal of stress (when possible), and removal of the effects of stress. One good technique to eliminate the effects of stress is relaxation.
Relaxation can be implemented through various hobbies (very good hobbies are those where you move - so you also affect physical activity, which was organized by a third party, a specific time when you deal with it, because if you specify time, very often you will give priority to something else and forget about your hobby, and involves other people).
Because of this - select an activity which you found interesting (a sports club, course in sewing, dancing, singing). In addition to hobby, there are specific techniques and methods of relaxation. These are the breathing exercises (abdominal breathing) exercises of progressive muscle relaxation, autogenous training. These exercises are easy to learn, and you can do them almost in any place and at any time of day.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Causes, effects and risk factors for gastritis

The causes of acute gastritis are alcohol, digestion of corrosive substances (erosive) or a strong physiological stress.

Acute gastritis is often associated with serious acute illness (kidney failure, liver disease, burns, and sepsis) or damage (breaks). Risk factors are taking of NSAIDs (acetylsalicylic acid), taking large amounts of alcohol or a strong physiological stress such as major surgery, injury, etc.

Chronic gastritis can be caused by prolonged irritation due to use of NSAIDs, infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia, autoimmune disorders, degeneration of the stomach wall due to age or prolonged irritation of the lining because of the return of bile in the stomach.

Gastritis and statistics

Gastritis predominantly occurs in patients with blood group A and 0, but it must be said that more than 80 percent of the world's population has just that blood group, and yet we do not have nearly as much gastritis! Thus, a statistical significance is one thing, and quite different is causal connection. Based on these insights, we cannot apply any new therapy that would improve the condition of patients.

Chronic gastritis – healing with honey

Inflammation of the gastric mucous membrane accompanied by disorder of driving function of stomach. Oral taking of the honey is prescribed, 1-2g per kg of body weight, 3 times a day. In hyper acid gastritis honey is to be taken 2 hours before meals and at hypo acid take it in warm water 10 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts for 20-30 days. Treatment can be done with propolis. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals in a glass of hot water. Treatment lasts for 3-4 weeks and the pain disappear after 6-7 days.

How to detect gastritis?

The diagnosis of gastritis is set in several ways:

- EGD (ezofageogastroduodenoskopija) and biopsy (taking a piece of tissue) is done by endoscopes - an instrument consisting of a thin, lighted tube which at its end has a small camera, the doctor carefully introduces the endoscope through the patient's mouth and throat to the stomach and duodenum, and observe the mucous membrane of esophagus, stomach and duodenum

- X-ray search of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum-by sipping contrast media we get a clear picture of target organs and ulcers.

- Blood tests
- examines the presence of antibodies to H. pylori, however, does not indicate a fresh infection, but speaks for the fact that during the life a patient was in contact with H. pylori
- Indicates anemia (if there is bleeding)

- H. pylori breath test - indicating current infection

Link between gastritis and dangerous diseases

Given that the chronic gastritis is premalignant (the basis for the development of cancer) in the final stages of the disease you may notice signs of development of malignant tumors (cancer), such as visible weight loss, permanent pain in the spoon, nausea, vomiting.

In addition to gastric cancer, a serious complication of gastritis can be pernicious anemia (in the final stage of atrophic gastritis) with a consequent of deficit of vitamin B12

Gastritis caused by H. pylori does not appear frequently in the wider population

Chronic gastritis can also be caused by prolonged use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), pernicious anemia, disorders of the immune system, degeneration of the stomach wall due to age or prolonged irritation of the lining because of the return of bile in the stomach.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa

Gastritis is a disease of modern man in modern society, defined as a group of diseases whose common feature is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Usually there are two divisions of gastritis:
1. According to severity:
- Surface (easer form)
- Atrophic (heavier form)
2. Division of chronic gastritis to type A and type B

A type of chronic gastritis is a rare and difficult form, and mostly affects the upper parts of the stomach, closer to esophagus. This type of disease is characterized by the formation of antibodies to the specific type of gastric cells and the molecule that is important for the synthesis of red blood cells. As a result of the disease it leads to the development of one type of anemia.
Type B is much more common, easier form and comprises part of the stomach, which flows into the small intestine (antrum). This form of the disease has all persons older than 70 years, and is associated with the bacterium H. pylori and often with ulcer / duodenal ulcer.

However, chronic gastritis can be simply divided into those caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and others.
It is known that H. pylori are recognized as a participant in the creation of cancer, and it is very important the significance of chronic gastritis and its treatment. In fact, almost all patients positive for H. pylori have gastritis in the area of antruma (input area). Cure of infection with H. pylori leads to cure of gastritis.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The choice of food-important item!


desirable: toast, pasta, semolina,
not recommended: fresh bread of any kind, puffed pastry and pastry containing yeast

Milk and dairy products:

welcomed are all dairy products from skimmed milk and a small% mm
avoid especially full fat cheese and cream and mayonnaise


allowed: all lean meat - chicken, veal, beef and similar best-boiled, from the processed meat-turkey or Chicken Breast
Not permitted: pork, venison, all smoked or salted meat, fried

allowed only should be avoided hard-boiled eggs and fried in lot of fat
allowed: all the lean white fish and to avoid crabs, mussels, squid and other seafood

Vegetable fats are best, and especially-the olive oil. That means, if you want a little 'oily' food, it is best to cook without fat, and finally add a little olive oil.

allowed: boiled, steamed or stewed: potatoes, spinach, silver beet, onion, zucchini, carrot, cauliflower, tomatoes (no skin), green salad, and fresh cabbage.
not permitted: all other not cooked vegetables, cucumbers, radishes, onions, peppers, mushrooms (should be avoided in any form), fried potatoes, canned vegetables

allowed: apples (without the crust, and best grinded), peach, apricot, banana (excellent!), fruit juices
should be avoided: immature fruit!, walnuts, almonds, figs, cherries, cherry, all citrus fruits

it is desirable to avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, and all that contains caffeine in larger doses (as Guarana or coca cola), black tea

avoided: Pepper!, minced peppers-especially spicy, vinegar!, mustard, mono-sodium glutamine

others are allowed, but moderately. Parsley very recommended. Here are some 'folk' medicines:

Half scoop of parsley seeds pour with a glass of water and leave to rest for eight hours and drink during the day in small sips.
Four-spoons of grinded root of parsley pour with a glass of water, after 15 minutes infiltrate and drink it over two days.

Honey is the best choice! (it has beneficial effect on the stomach lining), smaller quantities of jam, pudding, rice pudding, soft biscuits

One important thing: do not chew gum! A large amount of saliva stimulates stomach to produce acid.

Best food prepariation for diet in gastritis

As for food preparing, it is best to boil it, stewing it on little oil (this- little- is more for diet then gastritis). Here I will point out that olive oil is a very good selection when stomach is concerned. Also, preparing the food on steam is an excellent choice, especially for vegetables. Another good advice is that food is finely chopped, best to be in the form of puree. What in any case we need to avoid is the non cooked vegetables because of its strength it would mechanically stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach. The exception is the tomato (but without the skin), green salad and fresh cabbage.

We need to drink a reasonable amount of liquid (1.5l per day), so do not exaggerate, and especially do not enter a large amount of liquid at a time. The best choice is definitely the ordinary water, but mild teas can be good (which are left to temper at room temperature, not hot, not cold), and even water flavored with a few drops of lemon.

In gastritis is often recommended consumption of milk for its neutralizing effects. We should not exaggerate in this also. There is no need for some large quantities of milk, because it will also start the process of digestion and secretion of gastric acid. Skimmed milk with a small percentage of milky fat is the best choice and the best way is to put in the flakes. Such a combination stomach and its mucous membrane like very much.

Diat rules for chronic gastritis

Nutrition / diet in chronic gastritis

1. The first rule of food in chronic gastritis does not differ from the first rule of healthy nutrition in general, and it is - varied diet! This gives the stomach (and long parts of the digestive system) the greater possibility that from various components of food takes what the body needs. So, all the basic food groups must be present.

2. Following rule also does not deviate from the general rule - small meals. It is recommended to divide food in 6-7 meals. It could look like this:

If there's no time, it will be ok to have 5 usual meals (Breakfast- Snack-Lunch-Snack-Dinner), point is that the diet is not concentrated on one big meal. It would be good if the meals were at the same or nearly the same time every day.

3. There should be a habit of slowly and somewhat longer chewing of the food, that every bite is chewed properly. This is good for several reasons. Stomach gets grinded food and has no great expenditure of muscle power of the stomach on mixing and triturating of food, it gives more time for nutritive whose digestion begins in the mouth under the action of enzymes from saliva, and in the end-feeling of fullness occurs sooner than when we just swallow food, the brain gets it earlier that it has had enough.

4. We should avoid very cold food, very hot (this applies for liquid too), very spicy and especially acidic foods. This does not mean that we cannot spice up food, but we should do it moderately. There are also spices for example parsley which has a very favorable effect on the stomach. Salt is also permissible and desirable, but we all know that we should not exaggerate for other reasons.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gastritis in children (6)

How long does it last?

With prolonged use of antibiotics, H. pylori gastritis and peptic ulcer (especially ulcers in the duodenum, part of the small intestine) can often be cured.

Can it be prevented?

There is currently no vaccine against H. pylori. Because a way of transfer has not yet been clarified, there are no guidelines for its prevention. However, it is important to ensure that you and your family:
- Wash hands regularly;
- Eat food that is cooked properly and well;
- Drink water from safe sources.

When should you call your child's doctor?

Immediately call a doctor if your child has one of the following symptoms:
- Severe abdominal pain;
- Vomiting a blood or if it looks like coffee grains;
- A stool that is bloody or looks like black tar;
- continuous sharp pain in the area below the ribs, which is eased after a meal, drank milk or medication to reduce stomach acid.

However, it is important to remember that there are many reasons why children can have a bellyache - some of these reasons are poor digestion, viruses, tension and worry, and appendicitis. Most of the bellyache is not caused by H. pylori bacteria.

Gastritis in children (5)

How is it treated?

Doctors treat H. pylori infection with antibiotics. Given that only one type of antibiotic will not destroy the bacteria, the doctor may prescribe your child a combination of antibiotics.
If your child has signs of bleeding in the stomach or small intestine, these symptoms will be treated in hospital.
Given that H. pylori infection can be cured with antibiotics, the most important home treatment is the timely provision of prescribed antibiotics in the time period set by the physician. Your doctor also may prescribe medication to reduce stomach acid to neutralize or stop the production of stomach acid.
Abdominal pain caused by H. pylori infection can be mitigated by taking regular meals. This means that you need to make a plan so your child's stomach would not be empty for a long time. It is best to eat five or six small meals, and making sure that your child should have a little rest after each meal.
Also, it is important not to give your child aspirin, drugs containing aspirin, ibuprofen, or anti-inflammatory drugs, because they can irritate the stomach or cause gastrointestinal bleeding. 

